ZSFG Department of Medicine Newsletters

Browse through our newsletters archived by academic year

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Main Story: At the beginning of this 2021-2022 academic year, we welcome our three new chief residents. These outstanding, dedicated young physicians are recent graduates of our internal medicine residency program who will help teach, mentor, and support the 180 interns and residents who rotate through the Department of Medicine at ZSFG. Raphaela Lipinsky DeGette, MD, MS, and Adalí Martínez, MD, MPH, will focus on inpatient care, and Andreas Mitchell, MD, MPP, will focus on ambulatory care. 

Spotlight: ZSFG Department of Medicine faculty and staff honors and announcements including: Diane Havlir, MD; Anna Chodos, MD; Lucas Zier, MD; Leonard Telesca; Andrew Kim, MD; Jillian Kadota

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Main Story: The ZSFG Department of Medicine is fortunate to have several emeriti faculty, who choose to contribute after retirement. This month we honor three emeriti faculty who are sharing their wisdom and applying a wealth of experience to advance our missions. We also celebrate all of our emeriti faculty in a photo tribute (see last page). Highlighted: Morrie Schambelan, MD; Jacqueline Tulsky, MD; Henry "Chip" Chambers, MD

Spotlight: ZSFG Department of Medicine faculty recipients honors and announcements including: Diane Havlir, MD; Marcela Zhou Huang, MD, MPH; Eleanor Bimla Schwarz, MD, MS; Monica Gandhi, MD; Dean Sheppard, MD; Vivek Jain, MD; Beth Harleman, MD; Emily Silverman, MD; Ashley McMullen, MD.

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Main Story: The Department of Medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco General celebrates its hard-working,
talented and dedicated members through the 2021 ZSFG Medicine Service Awards. These awards are an opportunity to express gratitude for faculty commitment to the hospital and department’s goals. Peers, through comments, provided nominations.

Additional: STAR Achievement Staff Awards

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Main Story: ZSFG is home to world-class care teams and scientists, and the August 2019 launch of the Epic electronic health record (EHR) opened up new opportunities to improve patient care, health equity, and research. Epic replaced more than 20 older EHR systems, enabling clinicians to easily share notes, lab test results, and other information with others caring for the same patient across the San Francisco Health Network (SFHN).

Spotlight: Faculty honors, announcements, and events including: Larissa Thomas, MD; Digital Health Equity Summit; Courtney Lyles, PhD; Urmimala Sarkar, MD; Amy Ou, MD; Alicia Fernandez, MD; Jessica Holtzman, MD; Veronica Manzo, MD; Catherine Crawford, MD

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Main Story: Under the best of circumstances, it can be difficult for patients to find their way through the complex health care system – but many can fall through the cracks if they struggle with additional challenges, such as poverty, limited English proficiency, or social isolation. Patient navigators help remedy this dilemma, providing practical resources and a reassuring presence to patients throughout their journey. ZSFG has several outstanding patient navigation programs, each tailored to meeting patients where they are in their lives.​​​​​ Navigators interviewed include: Laurel Puffert; Barbara Cicerelli, MPA; Rebeca Garcia, MPH.

Spotlight: PRISE Center launch and faculty honors including: Adithya Cattamanchi, MD, MAS; Margaret Handley, PhD, MPH; Alicia Fernandez, MD; Urmimala Sarkar, MD; Margot Kushel, MD; Diane Havlir, MD; Carina Marquez, MD.

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Main Story: UCSF's state-of-the-art Research and Academic Building (RAB) at ZSFG is scheduled for move-in in 2023. ZSFG Department of Medicine faculty and staff who serve as co-chairs on planning workgroups are interviewed including Urmimala Sarkar, MD, MPH; Laurae Pearson; Gideon St. Helen, PhD; Peter Hunt, MD; Rebecca Hoh, MS, RD

Spotlight: ZSFG Department of Medicine faculty recipients of awards and honors including: Emily Silverman, MD; Marlene Martin, MD.

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Main Story: A special State of the Department issue highlighting achievements and marking progress in achieving goals. Areas of focus include ZSFG Department of Medicine mission, values, and goals; leaders and workforce; clinical operations; performance improvement; education; COVID-19 response; anti-racism; clinical expansion; research; challenges; and the future.

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Main Story: In this issue we celebrate initiatives at ZSFG Department of Medicine that exemplify our commitment to the community, including the EatSF program, patient and staff voter outreach, and the annual toy drive. Faculty and staff interviewed include: Hilary Seligman, MD; Ilana Garcia-Grossman, MD; and Olive Giovannetti.  

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Main Story: UCSF School of Medicine's Bridges Curriculum engages clinician-educators in a program that helps medical students develop the professional and personal skills essential for becoming a doctor. ZSFG Department of Medicine faculty Bridges coaches include: Binh An Phan, MD; Lawrence Haber, MD; and Sarah Goglin, MD.

Spotlight: ZSFG Department of Medicine faculty recipients of awards and honors including: Eric Goosby, MD; Philip Hopewell, MD; Marlene Martin, MD; Neil Powe, MD, MPH, MBA. San Francisco Health Commission honored all ZSFG Hospital Staff members and recognized the Infection Control team including Lisa Winston, MD; Vivek Jain, MD; Antonio Gomez, MD; Jessica Chuang, MD.  

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Main Story: Reflections of ZSFG Department of Medicine faculty and staff in divisions and workgroups on the frontlines of COVID-19, in their own words, including: Jessica Chuang, MD; Gabriel Chamie, MD; Melody Davenport-McLaughlin; Elizabeth Imbert, MD; Annie Luetkemeyer, MD; Justin Moore, PhD, MPA; David Pearce, MD; Jason Rahman; Sumant Ranji, MD; Lisa Winston, MD

Spotlight: Registration open for Promoting Research in Social Media and Health Symposium (PRISM), December 3-4, with ZSFG DOM faculty Urmimala Sarkar, MD, MPH and Courtney Lyles, PhD, on the steering committee.